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Rob Eastman

Rob is an aspiring responsible adult hailing from Chicago. When he’s not making crude jokes at his friends and strangers he likes to take photos of his friends and strangers. Not like, creepy photos, these are classy photos from the bushes. He also enjoys chatting about religion and politics at family reunions and company dinners. You can find him all over the internet like a digital stain at places like: Twitter @RobEast87,, Instagram @RobEast451 and Snapchat @FrankHardy451

Nick Hinton 

Fulltime Social Worker, part time deviant. I always wanted a vast audience to listen to my socially dissident ramblings, and by some stroke of fate (namely Alex's idea of starting a podcast) you're that vast audience. But, here I am tangentially typing away, when what I'm really trying to say is, blame Alex.  Find me on: 

Twitter @hintonnick

Alex Wittich


I work full time as a system administrator for a small company.  I spend most of my time being awesome.  I enjoy youtube and follow a bunch of people in that community.  Those people inspired me to start podcasting.  Nick and Rob loved the idea and thus the hammer House project was born!  Find me on:

Twitter @Alex_Wittich

Instagram: @alexrw736

Snapchat: Alexrwksu

Behind the Podcast


At Hammer House Project we wonder about a lot of stuff. We wonder just what we would do if we found ourselves delivering speeches to our ex-girlfriends. We think deeply about just how deep deep-space really is. It’s so deep. We search for proof of life on Mars and consult experts on if Medical Marijuana is as awesome as it sounds. It is. Each week we invite an interesting guest, be it an old college buddy who now works in Hollywood or a traveling nurse who happened to be in town, to sit down and discuss the more important things in life. We talk everything, new tech, the best homebrews, or exciting new movies, all with a casual conversational style, some (sometimes crude) humor and well informed opinions. So tune in for some aural pleasure from four guys. Wait. That can’t be right. Well, it does say that right here in my notes. Okay, well, I guess come get aurally pleasured by us dudes.


Jeez. We really gotta work on that toilet humor.



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